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Counseling Center

A purple letter C with a graduation cap on top of it.Counseling Center Services

Email your school counselor to ask a question or set up an appointment.

9th grade counselor - Cramer Martin –

10th & 11th (A – M) grade counselor - Caroline Bartkus/Allen - 

11th (N– Z) & 12th grade counselor - Matthew Macer (Lead Counselor)  - 

Graduation coach - Lynn Roberts - 

Clerk - Patricia Hall - 

Transcript Request




It shall be the duty of a school counselor to administer the educational, vocational, emotional, social, and personal needs of the students. If a pupil perceives something as being a problem or being important, it is worthy of the attention of the counselor.

Services Performed

  1. Personal Inventory – Records, information on academic achievement, test results, health and activity records.
  2. Counseling – conferences with students about educational, vocational, and personal problems.
  3. Informational Services – Information about schools and colleges, occupations and careers, financial aid, etc.
  4. Individual Program Planning – Assistance in selection of appropriate high school courses.
  5. Group Guidance – Scheduling of films and speakers, career development program, and new student orientation.
  6. Testing Program – Administration of standardized tests and interpretation of results.
  7. Consultation – Conferences with parents, teachers, and administration
  8. Parent/Teacher Conferences – the staff and administration welcome conferences.  All Parent/Teacher conferences, other than for disciplinary purposes, should be arranged through the Counseling Center. Conferences will be arranged during the teacher’s planning period or from 2:45 – 3:30 p.m.

Students are free to choose the counselor they feel most comfortable with for personal counseling. However, for academic scheduling or concerns, the student should meet with the counselor for his/her grade level. It is the goal of the Counseling Department that each student develops a positive relationship with the counselors.

Career Guidance

Career and guidance reading materials are available in the Counseling Center and the Library/Media Center along with testing information. Occupational information, trade and technical school catalogs, and college and university catalogs are available.

Counseling Appointments

Students must make an appointment with the counseling clerk or with the school counselor. Forms for this purpose are available in the guidance office and in the classrooms. Students should sign in upon arrival and sign out upon leaving the Counseling Center. Students will be called to the Counseling Center by the school counselor after receiving a request by the student. Students may see a counselor without an appointment in the case of an emergency.